SocialGreat adds Brightkite, doubles its data and cool points!

September 3rd, 2009

Do you know what the hot spots are? If the answer is no, that’s where SocialGreat comes in. SocialGreat is an aggregator that uses data from foursquare and now Brightkite to show you a real-time feed of the most popular places in their growing list of cities. The cool thing about SocialGreat is that, as they say on their website, you vote with your feet — by actually going to places and checking in, as opposed to more traditional ratings sites. “Voting” is simple for Brightkite users, if your checkins are public SocialGreat just grabs them from your feed.

They actually added Brightkite data into the mix last week, but it was only at city level with the promise to add place-level data soon. Well, Jon and Bill don’t seem to sleep, because today they announced that Brightkite venue data has been integrated into SocialGreat!

Many thanks to our friends at SocialGreat for the integration! :) We’re anxious to see what they will come up with next.

Posted by Lesley Yarbrough at 3:19 PM in API, Brightkite

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Jon Steinberg

  • 373 weeks ago

Thanks guys - your API rocks!





  • 372 weeks ago

Too bad BrightKite posts are currently not visable and integrated in the site - I checked for several cities including Austin and Amsterdam (in the latter one amongst others I also contributed to posting there all day)

Also the 'join' button at the top of the page seems to be broken, as all it does is plainly show 2 lines of code referring to foursquare commands..

As I still like the idea, though, I would appreciate if you guys keep us posted on progress you make resolving these issues I ran across and wrote about here...



2 replies · active 372 weeks ago


bill piel

  • 372 weeks ago

Yeah, foursquare is having problems right now, and as a result our join button is broken.

I guarantee that many brightkite checkins are visible on However, I can't guarantee that we've perfected our process and that no checkins slip through the cracks. Also, keep in mind that this does not happen instantaneously. As of now, it may take as long as an 10 minutes for a checkin to show up under the hourly stats. The longer period stats take longer.

Finally, don't forget that a brightkite checkin feed must be completely public for us to include its data.

If anyone sends me an example checkin (@bpiel) that they think wasn't counted, I will investigate and appreciate it.

Thanks for the interest in the site




Jon steinberg

  • 372 weeks ago

Thanks for pointing out and apologies. Things were working great to my knowledge prior to today. For example, we saw tons of brightkite hq checkins in Colorado on thursday. The join is just for foursquare. Brightkite we automatically pick up if your stream is public- we need to make that more clear.

We might not be getting the checkins today because our site is a bit messed up as a result of foursquare being down all day. Not totally sure what's going on but I'm checking with my partner.

Again apologies and will keep you up to date.




Jon steinberg

  • 372 weeks ago

See reply above@Carnager





  • 372 weeks ago

Congratulations on a really nice blog site






  • 369 weeks ago

How many will absent page of entrance of site Brightkite



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